Saturday, 10 September 2016

Day 7 - Los Arcos to Logrono (Wednesday 13 July 2016)

Overnight - Pension Berceo

The forecast for today's walk, the longest so far, was as perfect as yesterday - overcast with temperatures in the late teens. If anything, it was a little cold when I set out but warmed up as I pushed the pace and encountered a few short, sharp inclines.

Overall, the path through farming land was quite flat and punctuated by climbs through pleasant small villages. The last few kilometres into Logrono seemed to go on for a long time, with the town visible from a considerable distance. Sadly, many of the path markers in this area appeared to have been vandalised and I was a little uncertain in a couple of places about whether I was going in the right direction or not.

After a visit to the very helpful Camino Information Centre near the river, I located my pre-booked accommodation (although it was annoyingly well hidden from the street), showered, and then walked down the main street (the Gran Via) looking for a cycling-friendly bar. After a few attempts, I came across ‘Cafe 13’ and settled in to watch another enthralling stage of Le Tour (where Chris Froome and Peter Sagan broke away in the last 10 kilometres to gain an extra few seconds on the field). Tomorrow’s finish - theirs, not mine - is atop the legendary Mont Ventoux and is definitely one not to be missed!

Weather - Another perfect walking day.

Health - Felt strong for most of the journey today, but the legs started to tighten up in the last 5-8 kilometres, probably due to the pace I'd been setting. They recovered well after a rest at the hotel. The feet continue to perform well.

Food - Breakfast at albergue (coffee x2, orange juice, bread rolls with butter/jam x4, bowl corn flakes); Gel; Bag mixed jubes; Apple; Coke Zeros x2 + Egg/Cheese-type slices x2 at the Logrono bar; Vanilla slice; White chocolate bar + Large tub of mixed berry yoghurt + 1/2 baguette + Jar white Asparagus (I’d forgotten how nice asparagus tastes)

Expenses - Accommodation - 26.00; Food/Drink - 18.81 Total - 44.81

Walking time - 6 hours, 5 minutes (start 6:15am, arrive at accommodation 12:20pm)

Brierley distance - 27.8km (total 162.9km)

Daily Steps - 46,144

Total Camino steps - 277,952

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