Saturday, 10 September 2016

Day 4 - Cizur Menor to Puente de la Reina (Sunday 10 July 2016)

Overnight - Albergue Puente

By the book, this promised to be a fairly straightforward 18 kilometre stage climbing up and then down a hill. And it pretty much was. It was good to see the famous metal pilgrims sculpture at the top of the hill, although with the fog yet to burn off at 10:00am, there wasn't much else of the countryside that was visible.

After descending, the rest of the walk was flattish on mostly paved paths but under increasingly hot skies. I was glad to come across a drink vending machine in the middle of a village toward the end of the stage, so I found a shady park bench where I had a long break eating a fresh bread stick and gulping down a Coke.

After finding the albergue that I'd pre-booked, it was the usual rest, shower, and then bar for stage 9 of Le Tour, the last in the Pyrenees. Tonight was a special treat with the final of the European cup too (France played Portugal, and lost).

I'm also keeping up my perfect bottom bunk strike rate - 3 out of 3. Today's dorm, on the third floor, features 5 bunk beds, all of which are in use.

Weather - It warmed up significantly after a foggy start to the day. Happily, I was showered and in an air-conditioned bar during the worst of it.

Health - Bit of a blistering problem with the right foot today, so I'll need to tape it up for tomorrow. That said, I was deliberately walking slower today, knowing it was a comparatively short journey, and that my accommodation was sorted. Otherwise, still functioning well.

Food - Gel; Apple; Can Coke with a Long Crusty Bread Stick; Excellent Pilgrims Lunch at a local bar comprising an asparagus salad (delicious), meatballs with pea soup and side of hot chips, a sensational chocolate mousse with cream, a bread basket, and a pot of black tea with plenty of water; Three packaged donut-type things with cream; Small pack of trail mix

- Accommodation - 13.20; Food/drink - 19.97 Total - 33.17

Walking time - 5 hours, 20 minutes (start 6:50am, arrive at accommodation 12:10pm)

Brierley distance - 18.8km (total - 91.7km)

Daily Steps - 33,048

Total Camino steps - 159,056

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