Saturday, 10 September 2016

Day 3 - Zubiri to Cizur Menor (Saturday 9 July 2016)

Overnight - Albergue Maribel Roncal

I hadn't really been looking forward to this stage - mainly because of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona and the acute shortage of accommodation in town. Not to mention the potential impact of thousands of drunk young people (no doubt including plenty of Australians) on us humble pilgrims.

The walk into the outskirts of Pamplona was very attractive and reminded me of the first day’s walk along the famed Milford Track in New Zealand, with a river accompanying the track to the right and the covered, gravelly walkways. Nothing beats the clarity of that Milford river but the rio Robo was a nice try.

As I entered Pamplona, I checked with a hostel about vacancies in town and was given the grim news, so I just decided to press on to the albergue in Cizur Menor as quickly as possible, finding it just after 1:00pm with plenty of room to spare (at that time anyway). And another bottom bunk - in an airy dorm with five double bunks and a single.

Before that, there were crazy scenes walking through the old part of Pamplona with thousands of San Fermin revellers in their white outfits with red neck and waist bands wandering around, many of whom must have been drinking since they woke up (assuming, of course, they’d actually been to bed in the first place). Still, the chorus of drunken “buen camino’s” and proffered handshakes as I trudged through the crowds was accepted gratefully. It almost took my mind off the pervasive stench of alcohol and other human deposits on a sunny Saturday morning.

The rest of the day followed the now established pattern - a rest, then a refreshing cool shower in the albergue, then finding a nearby bar to watch stage 8 of Le Tour (where Chris Froome won in the Pyrenees, not that far away from where I am now). Life is pretty good.

Weather - Sunny and warming up quickly with lots of shade in the first part of the walk but very little out of Pamplona. The forecast today for this part of Spain was early 30s while tomorrow looks like mid 30s before it cools a little for a few days.

Health - Same old, same old. Feet and knees performed reasonably well and the shower at the end of the stage was completely refreshing. Because of the uncertain accommodation issue, I decided to push the pace somewhat today and, happily, the body was equal to it.

Food - Gel; Long crusty bread roll; Empanada; Apple; Can Coke Zero on the way through Pamplona (I think I was probably the only one drinking the soft stuff in that town); three more Coke Zeros with a very yummy mixed salad at the Cizur Menor bar (I really should be eating more of those and drinking less cokes); Orange.

Expenses - Accommodation - 10.00; Food/Drink - 17.52 Total - 27.52

Walking time - 6 hours, 40 minutes (start 6:25am, arrive at accommodation 1:05pm)

Brierley distance - 25.9km (total - 72.9km)

Daily Steps - 42,134

Total Camino steps - 126,008

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